Secularism: A position that religious belief should not influence public and governmental decisions. The related political belief in the separation of church and state.
Humanism: An ethical system that centers on humans and their values, needs, interests, abilities, dignity and freedom; especially used for a secular one which rejects theistic religion and superstition. |
Brief Description of Our Group (or see constitution in full):
The full name of the Group is Isle of Wight Humanists.
We are an informal group which meets monthly to hold discussions on matters of humanist interest.
We generally have a speaker from within or from outside the group who gives a short talk which is followed by a discussion or Q&A session. Twice a year we have a social meeting.
Duties undertaken by committee members are typically maintaining a membership list, preparing a programme for the year, being in contact with the Humanists UK, keeping minutes and various records. We have the usual chairman, secretary and treasurer.